Waterford Way Parking: further restrictions
To encourage as many as possible to actively travel to school by walking and cycling, Brent Council, with TfL, introduced a temporary ‘School Street’ on Waterford Way for Gladstone Park Primary School in February
Reducing the number of cars around the school has helped make the area safer and less congested for our students, families and staff. Pollution levels have reduced.
The Waterford Way scheme has been operational for a few months and a review has highlighted road safety concerns caused by some parents are parking near Burnley Road junction.
From JUNE 5th 2023 cones will be placed across the entrance to Jubilee Court.
If you have any comments or concerns, please contact Brent Council's School Street Team at: Schoolstreet@brent.gov.uk or call 0208937 5287.
Thank you for your support in making Brent a cleaner greener borough.